Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kasey (Second Post)

Finished yesterday with a mix of foods like pumpkin seeds and almonds (unsoaked) a mix of bean sprouts, sprouted tofu, mushrooms, and peanut sauce. Then I made an arugula and lemon blended drink that was nutty and delish.

Had tons of energy yesterday (7)

My mental state improved as the day went on (6) as it usually does, I'm a night owl.

My physical level was at an (8) i'd say, I made it through a walk to school, to the gym in the snow, work out, pilates class, then walked back in the snow. I was sweating through my stocking cap! Down side to this, I kinda had B.O all day :) Pick is of me in all my xmas swag, but the facial expression denotes the energy level I had yesterday!

Started today with a carrot, lemon, spinach, ginger mix in the blender!


  1. Really enjoy the pic! I miss you! I really like the pic you added to the blog! You are the best! I love you!

  2. By the way..how much lemon did you use..I tend to go overboard with lemons! Lemons are the liver's best friend!

  3. I like to cut the lemon in half then juice it by using a fork and twisting it. That's usually enough lemon. Another way to add sweet liquid to a juice or smoothie is to add some yummy herbal (which doesn't contain caffeine)tea. I know you are probably like, icky dirt water, but herbal tea is usually not dirt tasting like the stuff I like, hehe. I am going to add some blogs that we can follow and get some good recipe's so don't go purchasing something expensive just yet my love!
